Jobs and Opportunities

I believe that everyone should have access to opportunity so that they can chose the best jobs and opportunities for them. I will always support lower taxes for working people.



A week in the life of Vicky Ford MP

This week I have made some great progress with my Private Members Bill on School attendance.   I have now formally tabled the draft Bill and it has been published.  I have also spoken in a debate in the Common’s Chamber and lead a debate in parliament’s second chamber, Westminster Hal

A week in the life of Vicky Ford MP

This week brought the first Parliament sitting in the New Year, and it was straight back to a flurry of work.  The extremely moving ITV drama of Alan Bates versus the Post Office has shone a public eye on the dreadful miscarriage of justice faced by sub-postmasters over so many years.  Th

Observations from COP 28

Observations from #COP28. Firstly it’s huge. Much bigger than Glasgow as globally more and more people and different sectors of the economy are realising the impact that warming is having. Next time pack blister plasters. I have been told there are 104,000 people here.

Natural Green Spaces in Essex

Thought for the day … a quote from an Essex County Council summit on the environment today, 31st October 2023 “To meet the 10% Biodiversity Net Gain from developers from housing local plans across Essex between now and 2036, 2,000 hectares of natural green space will be created. Not since William

Support for Ban on Live Exports

I know that many people in Chelmsford care deeply about animal welfare, as do I. There are many pet lovers in Chelmsford. The Government has already introduced a number of laws to protect animals.

Litter is a big issue in Chelmsford

Litter is a big issue in Chelmsford and our Lib Dem run City Council is failing to use the powers it has to tackle the issue. Across the city many dedicated volunteers give many hours of their time to collect litter and try to keep the city clean and tidy.

A Week In The Life Of

Parliamentary terms tend to mirror those of our schools and this week Parliament has been in recess over half term.  MPs often chose to do different things with this time.  Maybe its an overseas visit, or a chance to catch up with a project, time in the constituency or perhaps a break.&nbs

Update on local littering

Regular readers will know that I loathe plastic waste and rubbish. Last month, I joined Chelmsford Litter Wombles on a clean up near Sainsbury's in Springfield.

Tearfund at launch of their Rubbish Campaign

 I joined the charity Tearfund to launch their #RubbishCampaign. 2 billion people have no safe way to dispose of rubbish, many are forced to dump or burn it. This makes people sick, releases toxic fumes, floods communities and causes up to a million deaths a year - as well as causing huge dam

Climate and Sustainability - with WI

in February 2023,  I joined the annual “Show the Love” meeting of the Essex WI The WI (National Federation of Women's Institutes) focusing on Climate and Sustainability.