Two years ago, on 8th June, I was given the huge privilege of becoming the Member of Parliament for Chelmsford. It is a hugely rewarding role, getting to see so many amazing things that are going on in Chelmsford, visiting many schools, businesses and charities. It’s a busy job but it is very good to be able to help people, last year I responded to over 12,900 emails from constituents.
When was elected, I promised to stand up for Chelmsford in Westminster. Last year I spoke in the House of Commons on debates and question time sessions more than 400 times. More than Vince Cable, Ed Milliband and Jacob Rees-Mogg put together. I’ve raised Chelmsford specific issues over two hundred times. This would not be possible without the huge amount of support and feedback that I have received locally. I would like to say a special thank you to members of the police, teachers, health worker, charities, commuters and businesses who have made suggestions on points they would like me to raise and suggested solutions to challenges.
The Environment is a major priority. We have made great progress but there is more to do and fundamentally we cannot continue to pump greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Therefore, I was delighted to be in the House of Commons this week when the Government announced that the UK will be the first leading country in the world to legislate for “Net Zero”. This does need to be a global effort. Thank you to everyone in Chelmsford who has signed my petition to help bring the next Global Climate Change Conference to Britain.
Thank you also to everyone who completed my survey on who should be next Conservative Party Leader. There was a huge spread of different views. In Westminster, it has been fascinating to listen to the many candidates in hustings meetings and, especially, to hear a huge range of energetic policy ideas for the future. This is a very serious time for our country.
In deciding who to vote for, I have been considering who is most able to resolve Brexit, heal the divisions in our country and move beyond Brexit to the many other pressing matters we face. I have therefore given my vote to Jeremy Hunt. This is a multi-stage process and in the later rounds I expect there will be a great deal more public scrutiny of the candidates.
In Chelmsford, I was very honoured to invited to watch HRH The Duke of Kent perform the official opening of the School of Medicine at Anglia Ruskin University. I’ve supported the campaign for a new medical school in Chelmsford for many years, even before I became your MP. It is a wonderful facility which is already training doctors of the future right here in our City. It’s also great to see the new Riverside Leisure Centre open its doors. If you haven’t been for a while, please do visit.
It was really good to meet over 60 charity organisations who took part in the Chelmsford Volfest in the High Street, bringing together volunteers from all across Chelmsford in many different sectors. All the volunteers do amazing work. If you would like to become a volunteer, please take a look at the Volunteer Essex website.
As ever please don’t hesitate to get in touch at [email protected].