I am a passionate supporter and advocate of the NHS. The people of Chelmsford deserve top class health services. Today’s news about the recent CQC inspection and ‘Inadequate’ rating of Sutherland Lodge – one of Chelmsford’s largest GP practices – is very disappointing. I know patients will be extremely concerned.
I am informed that immediate changes have already been made. This means that the most serious matters raised have already been addressed. Both the CCG and NHS England have told me they are working with the provider, Virgin Care Ltd, on an action plan to improve patient care at the Surgery. I will want to be certain that this plan is robust and that fundamental improvements are introduced as a matter of urgency.
In addition, I will be seeking assurances that until Virgin Care Ltd rectifies the situation they will not be able to receive any further contracts from the NHS.
GPs are at the heart of the health service. It is vital that people can rely on being able to see a GP when they are sick and GPs play a core role in helping up all to stay well. I will be seeking regular updates from both the CCG and NHS England to ensure patients are supported, changes are agreed and the improvements are implemented.