On a happy note, the bubble machine was working at full pelt this afternoon at Tanglewood Nursery School when I popped by to see children being dropped off and for a quick (and very socially distanced) chat outside with the superb head teacher, Debs Watson.
Over 180 happy 2-4 year olds were back at the nursery today, learning and playing and smiling. It is very important for so many reasons that we try to keep schools and nurseries and pre-schools open. This is possible in the current tier 2 of measures in Essex and therefore very different from what we experienced in April/May. Informal childcare bubbles are also allowed between two households, so for example Grandparents can help with school pickups, drop offs and other childcare.
Please folks let’s try to get on top of this spread of the virus now and not go back to what we experienced before!