I visited Chelmsford Prison along with my colleague Stephen Metcalfe the MP for Basildon. I visit the prison regularly but this was Stephen’s first visit.
During my time as MP for Chelmsford, I have helped secure improvements in security for the prison including new body scanners and measures to prevent drugs being thrown over the prison wall. These have helped to keep neighbours, including the nearby school safe.
Prisoner numbers are high, partly because our local police have been doing a good job catching criminals.
I have always focused on safety of prison staff, as just a few years ago this was a major concern. It can be a very tough place to work but I was impressed today by the smiles on staff faces and positive feedback from staff.
A number of staff told me that this was a good place to work and that they feel safe. It was very clear that morale amongst staff has improved - a good step in the right direction.