Week starts in Westminster with the Home Secretary taking questions about migration policy. He tells MPs that they are looking at giving more Visas to doctors and I ask him to make sure this will also cover GPs in training. This would be very helpful in Chelmsford.
I meet the Government’s chief negotiator on science and research cooperation with Europe. He wants to pick my brains as I was involved in the negotiations seven years ago and it has been a huge amount of money for science in Essex and across the East of England.
I drop into a meeting with the all party group on plastic waste. ASDA have come to tell us about their commitment to reduce plastic packaging and improve recycling. I race across Parliament Square to where women MPs join for a massive photo near the statue of Millicent Fawcett. We are promoting the march to celebrate 100 years of women having the vote.
I join businesses from across Essex who have come to quiz the trade minister about new trade deals. It’s very interesting to hear about their products – from Tiptree jam to novel bolts for holding down train tracks!
The day ends on a positive note as we pass new laws to restrict the sale of ivory – now amongst the toughest laws in the world. Ministers tell us how they are working with countries across the globe to protect endangered species.
Fascinating meeting with the Science and Tech Select committee. We are discussing quantum technology. This is very important to Teledyne-e2v in Chelmsford.
There was a very emotional debate in the House of Commons regarding abortion and especially the situation in Northern Ireland. Many people want action on this now, but it is a devolved issue and hugely sensitive. I explain my view that local politicians need to take the responsibility and make decisions, but we cant wait indefinitely especially as the current law may breech human rights.
I join bosses from the East of England Ambulance Service. They tell us about the huge increase in the number of ambulances being put on the roads across Essex and East Anglia.
Off to Downing Street to meet the Chief Whip for an update on the EU negotiations on customs. It is important to get this right.
Start the day with the Women and Equalities Committee. We are looking at sexual harassment in the work place and hear from legal experts. It’s clear that the law needs revising.
I race over to the other side of the Palace of Westminster to meet the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland for an update on the negotiations over there.
Prime Ministers Questions is rowdy with lots of questions on Brexit. I then join a much quieter group of MPs back in Downing Street for another meeting, this time with the Prime Minister. She goes through the details of her negotiating plans.
Over to Sky TV studios for the evening news. They also want to talk about Brexit. I explain that it is very normal for negotiations to accelerate and get more intense as the EU summit draws closer.
Start the day with tech companies from all over the UK. They are quizzing the minister about Brexit and plans for our relationship with Europe, especially on data sharing as this is key for many of their businesses.
Talk to the Essex Chronicle about Chelmsford Prison. This has had high rates of violence in the past, but the good news is it’s now fully staffed and new protections for staff are being introduced.
Meet Deliveroo. I’m fascinated to learn that The Lemon tree café in Moulsham Street is the highest rated restaurant in Chelmsford – Yummy cakes!
Live on LBC radio for another update on the Brexit talks. The negotiating paper we have been discussing all week as finally been made public and talks can now start with the EU and other countries. Take my team for a cup of tea on the terrace to celebrate – boy has it been a busy week!
In Chelmsford. I meet ITV Anglia to talk about GP recruitment. Such an important issue. The new medical school in Chelmsford will have a huge impact but, in the meantime, we do need doctors from overseas too.
Over to AON, the world leading insurance company who have 500 people working in Chelmsford. I meet a group of trainees who have just completed their “Step-Up” program. Before this programme none of these young people had been successful in finding work, there is huge pride in what they’ve achieved.
Catch up with Cllr Dick Madden. We discuss the Army and Navy roundabout. This has been neglected for too long. We want to kick start a campaign to work for a long-term solution. I’m going to build up a dossier of experiences people have had with the roundabout and the flyover. I will then try to meet the roads minister to discuss. I use Facebook to encourage people to email their thoughts.
Off to Norfolk – wish it was for the weekend, but it is for only the evening to talk to a business group for my friend Liz Truss MP.
Wow! Lucky me I won a draw for tickets to the Queens Birthday Parade of “Trooping the Colour”. Truly spectacular and so much better than on TV.
Fabulous day at the “Processions” march to celebrate 100 years of #votesforwomen. Tens of thousands of women and girls joined the event. As a woman MP it was hugely moving to feel the massive support. I met some super ladies and girls today. Thank you! Don’t forget my Pankhurst Party/EqualiTeas on 15 July at Chelmsford Museum, Oaklands Park, 2pm-4pm.