Early start in Westminster meeting the minister responsible for the EU Withdrawal Bill. There are lots of tricky details, he says thanks for the work I've been doing. I meet a Chelmsford constituent who has been leading working across the UK looking at issues affecting engineers after Brexit, many of whom also work and train across Europe. He asks me to raise his concerns about skills and qualifications. Late votes - leave work 11pm.
Spend the morning with th Science and Tech committee looking at algorithms - how do those online adverts target people? How does "machine learning" work? Who is responsible if there law is broken? Lots of interesting questions and suggestions for better regulation. Afternoon and long evening discussing technical elements of the Withdrawal Bill. I don't think we should "hard wire" the exit date as the negotiations are bvery compicated. Late votes - midnight....
Find myself on front page of a paper described as a "mutineer"... bit strange as I have a 100% track record of voting with the government. We do live in interesting times!
Early start agains speaking to some of the 350 Chelmsford Businesses who have come to a "Showcase" at Hylands House. What a beautiful place! And how lucky we are to have such entrepreneurs around.
Meeting with Essex MPs and the police minister - very helpful. Another late night on Withdrawal bill. 11pm.
Join students looking at robotics and programming as part of the "Parliament Week" challenge. Listen to a detailed debate on universal credit – this is important because it's coming to Chelmsford next autumn and I want to make sure my constituents won't have any problems.
Really precious day in Chelmsford. Visiting two primary schools, meeting GPs, mental health experts and hospital managers at Broomfield, helpful chat over a long cuppa with one of our homeless charities and a detailed debrief from the Citizens Advice Bureau. We have some wonderful people in Chelmsford who go out of their way to help others every day. Thank you