Its Armed Forces Week and I start Monday at the flag raising ceremony at the Civic Centre. Over coffee I catch up with local councillors and meet army reservists. They tell me about their work in Chelmsford on signalling and how they would to provide communications across London if there was ever a major disaster.
I head over to Anglia Ruskin University where schools have come together for a their annual engineering and technology competition. The projects are extremely impressive, a group from one school has designed a collar for tracking lost dogs, another has made a shirt that monitors the wearer’s heartbeat and temperature and young woman engineer has designed an ingenious method of measuring the water used in a shower. One of the students even lets me try out his contraption to help wheelchairs climb stairs! I hop on the train to Westminster where the Education team are taking questions from MPs. I tell him about the engineering competition and ask him to make sure we continue to support this sort of project.
Airbus has made a statement about the need to the EU/UK negotiations right for businesses. I am concerned as I know they are a key partner for work done by some Chelmsford companies. I join a large group of MPs asking the Business Secretary about this and am reassured by his comments.
In the House of Commons we are debating Heathrow expansion. I support this as we do need more infrastructure. During the long debate I have a chat with the housing minister about the need for our new road and railway station in Chelmsford. Votes are late. There is overwhelming support for the airport’s plans for a new runway.
Its nearly 11pm when I join MPs for a late, late debate about armed forces veterans. Some former soldiers have found themselves being charged again and again about events that happened over thirty years ago. We are trying to get in place a “statute of limitations” to stop this.
Quick trip on train to Westminster and “to welcome different communities” piece as part of evidence week, then team meeting to prepare for a busy week
Breakfast with the Chairman of Ofcom, we discuss broadband rollout, fakenews and problems some Chelmsford folk have had with freeview changing transmission frequencies.
MPs from all over the UK are campaigning for a treatment for the rare disease PKU to be available on the NHS. This affects two children in Chelmsford and the treatment would be life changing. I’m very pleased to see such a high level of support.
In the Parliament chamber, MPs are debating the new EU trade agreements with Canada and Japan. These will help bring jobs and opportunities for the UK. I listen to the detailed discussion for a few hours before going to join colleagues from the Science and Technology select committee, we quiz the immigration minister about visas for scientists and researchers and then the defence minister about the squabble between the UK and EU over the new Gallileo satellite system.
In the evening I walk across St James Park to the Royal Society to join winners of a competition to find the best Science and Maths teaching in the country. What an impressive group and what an honour to be asked to award one of the prizes!
Very early conference call with NHS England and the Mid Essex Clinical Commissioning Group to discuss Sutherland lodge. There are some positive changes, but still some issues. I write another letter to VirginCare.
I’m running a work experience program for students with Chelmsford connections. I meet the group and take them on a quick tour of behind the scenes at Westminster. Before I go to the Women and Equality select committee. We are discussing sexual harassment at university and in clubs and bars. The Chelmsford students tell me they learn about select committee meetings in their A level course and its really helpful to see one in action.
After PMQs I stay for the debate on the Offensive Weapons Bill. This bill will tighten laws on carrying knives and acid as well as making some changes to gun laws. I’ve spoke to the Essex Police and Crime Commissioner for the latest numbers. Violent crime has increased in Chelmsford but not by as much as elsewhere across the UK. The new laws will be helpful, as will be the 150 new police officers that we are getting in Essex. The Chelmsford work experience students join to watch the debate from the public gallery.
I meet the head of the Manufacturers Association and hear first-hand the concerns many businesses have about the need for clarity in EU negotiations. I then discuss this with the Chief Whip before joining the Digital minister for a discussion about online-safety. Late in the evening we vote on the Offensive Weapons Bill, its positive and the Bill moves on to its next stage.
In Chelmsford I join 80 volunteers from the insurance company AON on their annual litter pick. We have an excellent chat as we work our way across the City Centre armed with litter picking sticks and bags provided by the City Council. The parks look stunning.
I spend the afternoon with my Westminster team going through constituency issues and drafting an article on the negotiations ahead.
Its “National Employability Day” and my work experience students are in Chelmsford today, they pair up with local councillors to learn about what our they do in their local wards. They help deliver my annual report too, which is hugely helpful. I join them in Beaulieu with Cllr Sue Sullivan where many local residents tell me how chuffed they are that the community centre will be opening soon. One of the students joins me at the Cricket Ground where we meet a group of young people who have struggled to find work in the past, some of them face long term serious health challenges too. They are completing a 12 week program building skills in the hospitality sector. It is very good to hear what a difference the course has made.
In the Civic Centre I catch up with women councillors for a planning meeting for our EqualiTea Pankhurst party on 15 July – it’s open for all don’t forget to register! I spend the evening with the wonderful Springfield Youth Group having a super summer party.
Oh my goodness what a lot is happening in Chelmsford this weekend. I’m in the High Street with volunteers giving out my annual report an chatting to residents. There is fabulous music going on as it’s the Chelmsford Festival of Arts and Culture and the Conservative Party Chairman, Brandon Lewis stops by on his way to a meeting. I pop into High Chelmer to meet the veterans celebrating Armed Forces Day, including meeting one former paratrooper who tells me his memories of the D-day landings 74 years ago. Outside John Lewis I catch up with the Little Stars Circus who are performing as part of the festival. They are so very talented. The river is looking stunning with canoes afloat and I laugh along with a huge group of children watching a “Mad Science” show. What a huge amount of fun!
In Springfield I join the Brownies celebrating an “EqualiTea” party. I have a long chat with two young diabetics, one of whom tells me about the clever puppy she is training. The dog can recognise when the owner is about to have a potentially life threatening hypoglycaemic attack – very clever
CRICKET! This week just gets better and better. I am at the County ground in Chelmsford watching the final of the T20 Tri-Nations (a round robin tournament between England, New Zealand and Australia). The England women cricketers smash their way to victory. It is wonderful fun and I am so proud to be asked to present the team medals. They all say they love playing in Chelmsford and it is great to have them here.