It’s still “half term” in Westminster so I have a busy Chelmsford day. Start with an early meeting with GP partners at the Beauchamp House surgery – they do a splendid job. Next off for coffee with the Vicar of Meadgate, he updates me on the winter project for rough sleepers and shows me the super Orchard centre where mums from all over Essex have brought their toddlers for a play.
I’m met at the door of Chelmsford College by a full guard of honour, the students tell me their plans to join the police, fire and prison services. The college principal shows me their wonderful facilitates including design, science and art. I’m grilled by students on economics, jobs and Brexit and shown their forensics course. What a great group of inspired young people.
Off to meet the Chelmsford Business group at the City Council office. They discuss plans to invest in Chelmsford, housing businesses, opportunities and skills as well as infrastructure, road and rail. We talk about tax policies and plans for trade & customs post Brexit. I’m briefed about a meeting with one of Chelmsford’s rough sleepers, who is still out on the streets despite being offered a home. End the day with a visit to the Mosque leaders, listening to their community plans.
Back to Westminster. Breakfast on Brexit. Long & serious meeting with East of England Ambulance service – I want to make sure the problems of Christmas period don’t recur in the cold next week. Pleased to hear they have new ambulances and are ordering more. Afternoon on importance of Early years support for mental health. Speak in debate on anti-money laundering – its really important that we work with banks across the world to crack down on credit card fraud and money scammers. Votes go late.
In the ancient Westminster Hall for a debate on the European Free Trade Area – it’s a bit like the old Common Market and may be one option for post Brexit Britain. Listen to Jeremy Hunts new plans to support those affected by Sodium Valporate and Surgical Mesh. Important for some Chelmsford women who have been affected. Meet the YMCA to discuss funding for shelters and hostels – very helpful. Long votes into evening on tax issues. Keeping tax low for those on low incomes is a priority.
Early morning discussing customs and border issues on BBC today program (nervous). Then to Science and Technology select committee seminar on Brexit for science. Cross border collaboration on research is really important, especially for areas like medical research. Pleased to hear the UK is a world leader in so many areas of science, we need to make sure this continues.
Very good morning at DST in Chelmsford, talking to many of the apprentices who are doing their training on financial services support. Am very impressed by the staff – very friendly but also confident and committed.
Back to London, I don’t usually need to go to Westminster on a Friday but today we are voting to improve Organ Donations and to give Overseas Voters a vote. Very pleased to be there to support these causes.
End the week with a meeting at the Job Centre Plus, listen to staff telling me about how they support people and am shown how the new Universal Credit system will work when it comes to Chelmsfrod. Receive a call telling me that a rough sleeper has died overnight. It is very sad, especially as the warm winter shelter was so close by. There is a great deal going on to help those in need across Chelmsford.